Also, Western Elementary, along with other elementary schools in the district, will be assisting Scott County High School students with their annual canned food drive. Chase Harpole, a former Western student, met with the council members Tuesday morning to request their assistance with this project. Chase’s goal for us is to collect 2,000 cans of food between November 7th and November 18th. While these may seem a daunting task, Student Council members assured him we could do it!!! There will be a table set up in the main lobby where donations need to be placed beginning Monday. Hopefully we can help “one of our own” to make this a reality!!! A letter from Chase and the Student Council will be available to be sent home in Friday folders.
Finally, the “Tree of Love” will be set up in the lobby after Thanksgiving break. As in the past, the tree will be decorated with hats, toboggans, gloves, mittens, and scarves, which will be distributed to children in Georgetown and Scott County who may need some warm attire to deal with the cold winter weather. More information will follow regarding “The Tree of Love.”