Christmas Party

The 4th grade will have a Christmas celebration on Friday, December 16th from 12:30-2:00. During this time we have decided to have a “smorgasbord” from which our students may choose treats. To make this possible please make sure you read the letter that went home on Tuesday, December 6. This letter let you know what your child’s class is responsible for bringing to add to the “smorgasbord”! Please fill out the bottom portion of that letter and return it to your child’s teacher.

Also, we will not do a gift exchange, but if you would like to send a gift we thought a great alternative would be something the entire class can use. Because it’s getting cold outside, recess will often be indoors. Classroom games, construction paper, markers, puzzles, etc. will be wonderful gifts to share. This is a great idea because the entire class will benefit!